2018 Road Safety Week, join us at the Goodwill Bridge

Do you know how many fatalities occurred in Brisbane last year? The answer is 54.
Do you know how many people were involved in a traffic crash in Brisbane, as a result was treated by medical professionals or hospitalised in 2017?  The answer is 1232.
This year Police from Brisbane Crime Prevention units and Brisbane Bike squads would like to invite everyone to join us on Friday, August 31.
Police will host a pop-up table at the Goodwill Bridge providing road safety tips and also have your chance to tell us about road safety and speak up for road safety. Information about bike and vehicle security will also be available.
We will be there between 10am to 12pm. Please join us, join the drive to make the road safer.

Date: Friday, August 31
Location: Goodwill Bridge
Time: 10am to 12pm

We will see you there!

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