60 seconds is all we need

A lot can happen in a minute.  That minute can be powerful. In 60 seconds we have the power to change opinions, behaviours and lives, for the better.
Queensland Police want you to be a part of this life changing project – The 60 Seconds Project.
Police from North Brisbane District are launching their ‘60 Seconds’ Project, with the support of the North Brisbane Community Policing Board.
The project calls for community members from North Brisbane, to create a 60 second video on the topic of domestic and family violence. Domestic violence occurs within all cultures, demographics, socio-economic and age groups, within intimate personal relationships including same sex relationships. It does not discriminate and requires a unified community response to help reduce instances.
Participants are urged to be creative when developing a video to help survivors of domestic and family violence, raise awareness and prevent domestic and family violence in the future.
The sky is the

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