78 new officers sworn into service at Oxley graduation

Constable Ben Trezise leading his fellow new Constables.
Minister for Police and Minister for Corrective Services, the Honourable Mark Ryan MP and Commissioner Ian Stewart yesterday welcomed 78 new police officers to the Queensland Police Service (QPS), in an induction ceremony held at the QPS Academy, Oxley campus.
Graduating as First Year Constables (FYC), the new officers have completed 25 weeks of intensive training, preparing them for their new roles serving the community.
The recruit training program provides recruits with a high-quality foundation, so they can deliver an excellent level of service to the community and ensure their policing skills have developed to a level necessary for operational policing as First Year Constables under supervision.

Of the 78 officers sworn in yesterday, 14 are graduates of the fourth Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Recruit Preparatory Program.
This is a 10-week program targeting recruit applicants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to prepare them for the

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