Annual Statistical Review 2016/17 – North Brisbane District

North Brisbane District overall crime statistics
North Brisbane District Officer Chief Superintendent Brent Carter today welcomed the release of the Queensland Police Service’s Statistical Review which demonstrated a reduction in break and enters to shops, arson and liquor offences across the district.
The Statistical Review represents a comprehensive insight into the level and nature of crime reported for each police district throughout Queensland.
The overall crime rate across the North Brisbane District from 2015/16 to 2016/17 increased by 4.1 percent to 66,066 offences.
Over the 10 year period from 2007/08 to 2016/17, North Brisbane District recorded a decrease in the rate of offences against the person and against property.
“The overall crime rate of offences against the person over the past 10 years decreased by 21.5 percent and offences against property decreased by 18.5 percent,” Chief Superintendent Carter said.
In 2016/17, unlawful use of motor vehicles increased by 25.9 percent, unlawful entry into houses increased by 26.2

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