Armed robbery, Wavell Heights

Cigarettes and cash were stolen during an armed robbery of a Wavell Heights convenience store this evening.
Around 6.35pm a man entered the Shaw Road business threatening a 64-year-old male employee with a knife before fleeing on foot.
The man was last seen running on Vale Street where it is believed he entered a vehicle driven by an unknown person. A dog was also believed to be in the vehicle. No further descriptions are available.
The man is described as approximately 175cms tall with a proportionate build. He was wearing a black hooded jumper, black sunglasses, red bandana and gloves and long black trousers. He was carrying two black shopping bags.
Anyone with any information, or any residents / businesses in the vicinity with CCTV, are asked to contact police.
No one was physically injured and police investigations are continuing.
If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the

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