Beat the Break, Bracken Ridge and Sandgate residents

Sandgate Police are urging all local residents to be especially vigilant with their home security – including when they are home.
Remember to key lock all doors, and remove the key from the lock.
Place the key in a safe location, near the door, in case you need to leave in an emergency.  Windows need to be carefully secured too.
It is easy to leave windows open in summer to try to stay cool, however, if the window is easy to access from the outside, it may prove to be enticing to a would be offender.
Remember to keep your keys out of sight from potential thieves
Recently, residents in Bracken Ridge disturbed an offender at 4:30 am. The offender had entered the home, by using a key which had been left in the lock on the inside of a door at the rear of the property.
The offenders have reached through a security screen, turned

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