Bicycle rider safety for Queensland Road Safety Week

Bicycle riders have less protection than motorists and are more likely to be injured if there is a crash. In 2017, 8 bicycle riders died and 390 were hurt or seriously injured in crashes on Queensland roads.
We all need to be aware and share the road safely. Bicycle riders are legitimate road users and have the right to be treated with courtesy and care by others.
Similarly, bicycle riders must obey the general road rules as well as the rules for cyclists.

Ride consistently and remember to use clear hand signals. Your hand should be open, with your palm facing forward.
Use a footpath if you are not confident on the road – it is legal in Queensland unless there is a ‘no bicycle’ sign.
Ride the right bike for your size and ability and wear a helmet – it could save your life.
Consider a high-visibility vest to help you be seen on the roads.

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