Boondall Police recruit kindy kids for a day

Recently, officers from the Gateway Crime Prevention Unit were invited to visit the children from Boondall Early Childcare Centre, Zillmere Boondall.

Police officers discussed the role of Police in our community and how they could identify a Police Officer.
The children had prepared a list of 10 top questions which the officers were only too happy to answer, especially question seven.

What kind of tools do you have?
Do you catch people who steal things?
Do you have police helicopters?
What do you do when people drive too fast?
Do you have police motorbikes?
Where do you live?
Do you sleep at the station like firemen do?
What kind of equipment do you have?
What is a part of your uniform?
If we need the police, do we call Triple Zero (000)?

Student Sebastian became a Sergeant for the day and thoroughly enjoyed his time as he helped to fingerprint his fellow students.
At the end of the day all the students enjoyed visiting

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