Can you help police to identify the owner of a piece of jewellery found at a property in Nundah on Brisbane’s Northside?
The ring was discovered by the occupants of an address while cleaning a room under the house on Surrey Street, Nundah.
The owners of the home have lived at the address for decades and have no idea how the piece came to be where it was found.
Inquiries have been made by the occupants of the address as well as police with no results in identifying the owner.
If you know of someone who may live or has lived in the Nundah area in the last 40 years and could have lost this ring, please contact Boondall Police on 3364 3372.
Proof of ownership and identity will be required.
If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.
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