Changing perspectives on property crime – vehicle security

Most car thefts, and theft from cars, are opportunistic in nature however, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of having your car stolen or broken into.
What you can do:

Park in well-lit and highly visibly areas whenever possible, utilising off street and secured parking.
When parking in a garage, ensure both the garage and vehicle are locked and the garage door remotes are secured.
Avoid marking your keys with personal or vehicle details including name, phone number or registration details.
Consider installing a car alarm or steering wheel lock to help protect your vehicle.
Use lockable devices to help keep your vehicle secure including lockable fuel caps, wheel nuts, spare tyre covers and roof racks.
Consider installing a remote engine immobiliser which meets Australian Standards.
Consider installing a GPS tracker to your vehicle.

Queensland Police Service encourages the use of anti-theft screws on number plates, to deter thieves. By using anti-theft screws, you can

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