Coffee with a Cop comes to Sandgate

Coffee with a Cop is a Queensland Police Service initiative aimed at connecting with the community over a coffee and chat.
Sandgate Police invite you to their very first Coffee with a Cop event where you can address any questions of your local police, learn crime prevention tips and keep up to date with current trends in the Sangate community. All are welcome – even if you don’t enjoy a coffee, we’ll have tea on hand too!
We have a couple of events coming up so make sure you join us if you’re free. Stay tuned to this blog as we release more details once available.
When: Thursday February 14 between 3pm and 4pm  
Where: Regis Retirement complex cafe – 60 Wakefield Street, Sandgate.
When: TBA – stay tuned!
Where: Capulet and Co. Coffee shop, Sandgate – 95 Brighton Road Sandgate. 
We strongly encourage you to keep up to date with the latest policing and community issues/events occurring

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