Coffee with a Cop comes to Taigum

On Tuesday April 2, members of the Gateway Crime Prevention Team alongside Crime Stoppers and Volunteers in Policing attended the inaugural Coffee with a Cop at Taigum Shopping Centre.
Some great conversation was had with members of the public while enjoying a coffee or hot chocolate.
Coffee with a Cop is a Queensland Police Service initiative giving the public the opportunity to sit down and have a chat with local police about matter that are concerning them or of interest to them.
Coffee with a Cop will now be held in Taigum on the first Tuesday of each month so come along and join us at our next catch up on May 7 at 10am outside the Coffee Club.
Hope to see you there!
Members from Crime Stoppers, Volunteers in Policing Murray Lucas and Bijma Sharpe with Senior Constable Carol Spurdle and Acting Senior Constable Mark Aichholzer.

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