Coffee with a Cop for Queensland Road Safety Week

Gateway Crime Prevention Office staff  joined with Hendra Neighbourhood Watch Groups, Crime Stoppers, Boondall Road Policing Unit, and MP Leanne Linard to promote Queensland Road Safety Week at Kitchen 8 at Northgate today.
There was some great conversations around the merchandise that was given out to the community, which included a phone case that prompts drivers to put their phone away whilst driving.
Driving while using a mobile phone held in your hand is illegal even if you’re stopped in traffic. This means you can’t:

Hold the phone next to or near your ear with your hand;
Write, send or read a text message;
Turn your phone on or off; or
Operate any other function on your phone.

So the best solution is to take away the temptation is to put your phone in the road safety first carry case before you start the car.
So come and see us at Westfield Chermisde on Thursday August 29, between

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