Cops and Robbers park run, Saturday October 14

Come join in at your local Cops and Robbers park run Saturday 14 October, 2017.
The morning will help build community relationships and highlight police health and wellness.
Parkrun starts at 7am on Saturday, and usually takes no more than an hour to complete the 5 kilometers even for those who are a little less fit.
The park run is open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in.
These events take place in pleasant parkland surroundings and people of every ability are encouraged to take part. From walkers or those taking their first steps in running to Olympians.
Local Acting Senior Sergeant Kelly Bright attends parkrun every Saturday.

Sandgate parkrun
North Lakes parkrun
Warner parkrun
Petrie parkrun
Mitchelton parkrun
Bunyaville parkrun

The park runners love a dress up and if they choose to! Individual park runners can wear light-hearted themed robber outfits (think Hamburgler).
For further information please email Acting Senior Sergeant Kelly Bright by clicking here.

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