On Sunday, May 13 the QPS & Lifecycle Cycling Club (Nundah) hosted their inaugural ‘Cycle to stop domestic and family violence’ Commencing at South Brisbane.
67 participants got up early on Mothers Day and rode the ten kilometers or 30 kilometer ride event.
The eldest participant was Estelle, a young 73 years and youngest Hannah being a mature four-year-old.
It was Hannah’s longest ride at ten kilometers – with training wheels attached!
Estelle and S/Constable Cam GRESHAM – swapping rides for the day!!!!
Estelle joined the 10km ride and completed part of the course.
Estelle shared her story that after 32 years of living in a violent relationship she left her husband in 1999 and now spends her spare time advocating for women and children experiencing domestic and family violence.
Valley Bike Squad supporting the #End DFV #DoSometing #SayNoTo Domestic Violence campaign
The event finished at the City Botanical Gardens and then guest speaker Simone O’BRIEN a survivor