Deprivation of liberty charge, North Lakes

Police have charged a 26-year-old Morayfield man after a girl was allegedly taken from a North Lakes shopping centre and assaulted on Saturday December 8.
Police will allege on Saturday December 8, a man in his 20’s attended a shopping centre in North Lakes and spoke to a 7-year-old girl.
It is further alleged the girl and the man left the shopping centre together and returned over an hour later.  Police were contacted and immediately commenced an investigation.
Detectives from Pine Rivers Child Protection Investigation Unit and detectives from State Crime Command Child Abuse and Sexual Crime Group established an investigation centre focusing on locating the man and establishing what had occurred.
Detectives arrested a 26-year-old man last night and he has been charged with one count each of deprivation of liberty, taking a child for immoral purposes and indecent treatment of a child under 12 years.
The man is expected to appear in the

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