Do you secure your motorcycle?


In December 2018, the QPS and RACQ launched a joint initiative to help prevent motorcycles being stolen.
Together, the campaign incorporates educational material and a social media presence to remind riders to take security precautions.
Did you know that between 2012 to 2018, 281 motorcycles were stolen within Brisbane alone?
96% of those motorcycles stolen were not fitted with a security device!
Of the 281 motorbikes reported stolen over the 7-year period, 127 (49%) were taken from parking bays, 138 (49%) were taken from a residence and eight (6%) taken from businesses.
The project is focusing on creating community participation through the engagement of various stakeholders and educating riders across the board.
It is the project’s aim to remind members of the community that if they see or hear suspicious behaviour involving thefts of motorcycles to take-action immediately.
Majority of the motorcycles that were stolen were considered ‘opportunistic’, therefore the best way to prevent your motorcycle from

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