On Thursday, June 14 ‘Today Show’ host Georgie Gardner came to Hendra Station to do a feature story on Simone O’Brien.
Simone survived domestic violence at the hands of her ex partner. In 2012 she suffered a brutal attack after she attempted to end the relationship, and her injuries were so serious she was initially not expected to live.
Through her sheer determination, Simone pulled through.
The ‘Today Show’ will air Simone’s story, including her valuable work speaking to Police First Year Constables about her journey.
Through Simone’s personal experience the officers gained an insight into a domestic violence situation and possible ‘red flags’ about unhealthy relationships and what they can do in their position to support people experiencing this.
Front centre: Simone O’Brien and Georgie Gardner, with Senior Police and first year Constables at Domestic Violence Training Day
The QPS are very thankful to Simone and other survivors who have given up their valuable time