Don’t give thieves a chance to slip into your home as the weather warms up

It’s that time of year again, temperatures are rising, windows are flung open, doors left ajar and kids are constantly running in and out of the house to the backyard and pool.
Summer months, while a pleasure for most of us, often offer unique opportunities to thieves to sneakily enter your home.
Those windows that are left open to catch a cool breeze while you zip to the shops may be just too tempting to a thief walking past.
What about the sounds of a party in the backyard and the garage door at the front left wide open? Once again, the temptation may be too much.
Please remember to practice good, sensible home security measures around your home, all year round.
Police remind you to consider the following regarding your home security:

If windows are not fitted with a security screen, they should be shut when you go out, even if they are on the

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