Driver safety for Queensland Road Safety Week

As motorists, we must consider many factors when driving and be aware of our constantly changing environment.
In 2017, 101 motorists died and 3,528 were hurt or seriously injured in crashes on Queensland roads.
But it’s not just the driver at risk when we take a chance with safety.
In 2017, 52 passengers died and 1,210 were hurt or seriously injured in crashes on Queensland roads.
That’s why we must focus on the Fatal Five – the major factors involved in road fatalities: speeding, drink and drug driving (including medications), seatbelts, fatigue and distraction.
We need to be at our best when we’re out on the roads, for everyone’s safety.
Remember to share the road safely with other road users – follow the road rules, be patient and courteous.
Give other road users the extra space they need, especially heavy vehicles – they take longer to stop.
Tailgating increases your risk of a crash.
The speed limit is the

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