DV in LGBTI relationships: getting the conversation started

With the opportunity to gain first-hand insights into issues surrounding DV in LGBTI communities around the world, Senior Constable Ben Bjarnesen’s recent visit overseas has been nothing but invaluable.
As one of the recipients of the 2016 Churchill Fellowship Recipient, Ben was able to conduct research by working closely with international police jurisdictions across four countries.
Ben with the Chief of Washington DC Police
He met with seven police departments and 15 community support organisations last year, with the aim of better understanding and documenting domestic violence issues in LGBTI communities, as well as capturing best practice in policing responses.
“We are all aware that domestic violence is quite an issue within the general community but it can be more so within the LGBTI community and it is often under-reported,” Ben said.
“Internationally, it appears the most common factor stopping LGBTI people from reporting DV and hate crimes is historical events involving negative interactions with

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