Easter road safety campaign launches as school holidays kick off

Wet conditions will be the biggest threat on Queensland roads as we launch our new road safety campaign to coincide with Easter school holidays.
The campaign, launched earlier today, is urging motorists to drive to conditions and check for road closures before leaving home.
Road Policing Command Assistant Commissioner Mike Keating said extra officers would target the Fatal Five over the school holiday period with a high visibility presence on the roads.
“There will be an increased police presence on the State’s major road networks over the next three weeks, with officers maintaining high visibility in order to discourage the contributing factors of road trauma,” Assistant Commissioner Keating said.
“The 2015 Easter holiday period was the worst year on record for fatalities on our roads. Then 2016 was the best year yet. We’re hoping to replicate the positive result this Easter and would encourage everyone to remain vigilant and make wise decisions on our roads.”
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