Harmony Day visit – Jindalee

Today March 21, is Harmony Day; the twentieth anniversary of Harmony Day in fact. Harmony Day is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background; united by a set of core Australian values.
This year’s theme is #standtogether and #everyonebelongs.
Our Jindalee State School Adopt-a-Cops from the Centenary North Police Beat attended the school today to speak to the students about Harmony day.
After speaking with students during lunch we all agreed that treating other people like we want them to treat us is a really good place to start.
We discussed respect for each other and how it is much more fun to include others in our day then exclude them.
We spoke about not being a bystander and if someone is being mean or bullying someone else we need to make sure we tell someone

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