Police in North Brisbane are encouraging members of the community to remain vigilant with their home security, particularly those who live in multi-residential living (apartments etc.).
In particular, recent reported offences of theft, have been from secure garages of units and apartments, with property stolen including motor vehicles and motorcycles.
The majority of these reported offences have been opportunistic in nature, with garage areas left unlocked as well as vehicles and property left unsecured in easily accessed storage areas.
You can do your part in preventing opportunistic crime by adopting the following habits:
Avoid storing excess belongings in garage areas and lock up garages;
Remove valuables from your vehicle, including any keys or garage remotes, and always lock your vehicle, even if you are only leaving it for a few minutes;
Check your garage door closes completely so potential offenders can’t sneak in;
If you have a motorcycle or bicycle, ensure it is secured to something solid,