Staff from Hummingbird House with Mounted Unit Lance, S/C Natalie Lewis-Grofski(left) and Merlin with Constable Amy Walkden (right).
On Thursday, May 17 the Queensland Police Service Mounted Horses Lance and Merlin accompanied by their riders Senior Constable Natalie Lewis-Grofski and Constable Amy Walkden made a very special visit to Hummingbird House to visit the children.
Hummingbird House is the first of its kind in Queensland where children who are affected by a life-limiting condition, can stay at the residence with their families for a short time and have a break.
The police in attendance thoroughly enjoyed their day and spending time with the children at Hummingbird House.
We have it on good authority the horses also enjoyed putting a smile on the faces of all in attendance!
For more information on this worthy cause click here.