Intersection At Widdop Street and the Toombul Shopping Centre At Nundah To Get An Upgrade

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Plans to upgrade Widdop Street, Nundah at Walkers Way intersection and at the Toombul Shopping Centre have been announced by the Brisbane City Council.

“Brisbane City Council is pleased to announce plans to upgrade Widdop Street, Nundah, at the Walkers Way intersection and at the Toombul Shopping Centre. The upgrades aim to improve safety in the area for all road users, and ensure the intersection can cater to future demands,” the Brisbane City Council announcement said.

Councillor Adam Allan said that the new signalised intersection will include a signalised pedestrian and cyclist crossing to make the junction safer for all users, including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. Once the intersection is signalised, he said, cyclists can safely cross the road while vehicle traffic is stopped at the lights. Cyclists will only need to wait for about 80 seconds during peak time or even less during off-peak hours.


Photo credit: Google Maps/

The project is part of Brisbane City Council’s $1.3 billion commitment to more than 90 road improvement projects. The road improvement projects aim to solve congestion through upgrades on the existing road network.

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“Brisbane City Council has identified the intersection at Widdop Street and the Toombul Shopping Centre at Nundah as a location that requires upgrading to improve safety for all road users. The intersection currently experiences a variety of cyclist, pedestrian, motorist and heavy vehicle movements,” the Council’s announcement stated.

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The Council said that the intersection has become increasingly dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists and signalising will help make it safer. The new signalised intersection along with the signalised pedestrian/cycle crossing ensures “continued safety and efficient operation of the local transport network.”

Photo credit: Brisbane City Council/

Key features:

  • Installation of new traffic signals at the intersection of Widdop Street and the Toombul Shopping Centre, including a signalised pedestrian/cycle crossing
  • Constructing an additional northbound lane
  • Bridge widening
  • Reconfiguring loading dock access via a new driveway off Widdop Street
  • Re-configuring access to Walkers Way to left-in left-out from Widdop Street
  • Minor relocation of the adjacent northbound bus stop
  • New line marking

“The Widdop Street Bridge is proposed to be widened with an additional through lane, and Walkers Way, off Widdop Street is also proposed to be reconfigured to left-turn in and left-turn out only to ensure safety.” concludes the announcement..

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