Join us for our next ‘Worldly Women’ event, Zillmere

Officers from North Brisbane, along with the Brisbane City Council and many other community groups, invite you to join them for their next quarterly ‘Worldly Women’ – meet, greet and eat afternoon at the Zillmere PCYC.
These events are an opportunity to get to know your community and also connect with local agencies who may be able to help you.
Worldly Women events are open to all women in the community to attend however, they are particularly aimed at connecting women who may have feelings of isolation; whether that isolation be due to language barriers, Domestic Violence, or other issues – we want to make everyone in our community feel welcome.
So please, join us for our next event.
When: Saturday May 11 – from 12pm onwards
Where: Zillmere PCYC – 340 Zillmere Road, Zillmere
These events are free for all to attend so please bring your friends, family and a plate of food to share.

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