Kindy Kids learn that cops are cool

Acting Senior Constable Mark chats with the kids about the various roles of police.
Last week between February 18 and February 22, Boondall Sunkids learned all about police and what they do through ‘Police Week’.
The kids learned what to do should they lose their Mum, Dad or carer while out shopping and also the different roles police play in the community.
Acting Senior Constable Mark Aichholzer from the Gateway Crime Prevention Unit was lucky enough to go to the kindy and have a chat with the kids about policing.
The kids were full of beans and questions about police and what it is that police do to protect the community.
There were excited gasps from the kids when they were shown that police get to work with dogs and horses as well!
Acting Senior Constable Aichholzer was most impressed with their knowledge when he asked them what number to call in an emergency. He was

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