Every now and then at Road Policing Command our officers are extended an opportunity to show there is much more to the job than just issuing speeding fines.
Today was one such instance. At around 4:50am this morning, RPC officer Senior Constable Amanda Woodley was on her way to work when she spotted a kingfisher bird sitting in the middle of Robinson Road West.
Senior Constable Woodley immediately pulled over and placed the frightened bird in her car where it perched itself up on a drink cooler.
After arriving at work Senior Constable Woodley called a local vet who transported the kingfisher to the RSPCA.
The kingfisher is now doing well and despite no obvious injuries is undoubtedly suffering a little emotionally from the experience.
Without the quick thinking of Senior Constable Woodley it is likely the kingfisher would have been tragically run over.
Lucky for the kingfisher it is expected to make a full recovery and