Make good home security a habit, Sandgate

Police are investigating break and enter offences which have recently occurred in the Sandgate divisional area.
Many of these offences have occurred when homes have been left unlocked and unsecured. Police are urging residents to make sure their homes are secure by following some of these simple steps:

Restrict unauthorised access to your property – ensure gates are locked.
Avoid leave keys lying around on tables, benches, bedside tables or key hooks – keep them out of sight.
Trim vegetation to allow good vision of your house – do not provide potential cover for offenders.
Install good sensor lights around the house to illuminate your property.
External doors should be of solid construction, and fitted with good quality locks.
Electricity meter box should remain locked to prevent tampering. You can make arrangements with your provider.
Lock your garden shed and secure all tools.
Do not open our front door to any person, talk to them through the security screen.

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