Police from across North Brisbane District today joined with the wider community to reinforce their commitment to condemning men’s violence against women at a White Ribbon Day breakfast that was hosted at the Zillmere PCYC.
White Ribbon Ambassador Mr Michael Jeh passionately addressed the gathering of Police, Political Representatives, Non Government Agency representatives and members of the public and led them in taking the white ribbon oath, ‘to stand up, speak out and act to prevent men’s violence against women’.
For more information about White Ribbon click here.
If you are or know someone who may be experiencing domestic and family violence then please contact DVConnect 1800 811 811, Mensline 1800 600 636, Policelink 131 444 or your local police station and in an emergency call 000.
MC Pippa Sheehan joined by Inspector Jones, Superintentend Reid and Chief Superintendent Carter.
If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the