Not my house

Police from the Gateway Crime Prevention were out in the streets of Zillmere this week, doing letterbox drops, advising residents of recent break and enter offences to residential dwellings in the area.
During the months of January and February, Police from the Gateway Crime Prevention are undertaking a project of “Not My House”, to advise residents of recent unlawful entry of dwellings (dwelling break and enter) and unlawful entry into motor vehicles in the Zillmere area.
Police would like to remind residents to review their security in your home, by ensuring that windows and doors are locked, when you leave home.  To avoid sneak break and enters, ensure you keep doors locked whilst you are at home or out in the garden.
Don’t leave keys lying around on tables, benches, bedside tables or on key hooks.  Keys should be kept out of sight.
Lock away items of value, such as bikes, lawnmowers and garden

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