Nundah Residents Urge Council to “Fiercely Defend” Its Decision to Refuse Walkers Way DA

Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

Nundah residents are urging the Council, through an online petition, to take all the necessary steps to stop the proposed development at 77 Walkers Way.

“Petitioners request Council fiercely defend its decision to reject this development in the developer’s current appeal in the Planning and Environment Court,” the online petition said.

Some of the concerns raised by the residents and supporters include : 


  • the development area being substantially flooding affected
  • increased traffic and parking problems
  • the fact they want to build three storeys overlooking backyards
  • the fact this area is zoned as rural.
77 Walkers Way DA
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

Developer Dennis Family Corporation Pty Ltd’s proposal is for a multiple dwelling comprising of 32 3-bedroom townhouses divided into clusters of 3-4 per row with a maximum building height of 3 storeys. The application also proposes the removal of the existing single detached dwelling to facilitate the development.

“The development proposes a maximum building height of 3 storeys to Hedley Avenue and the Kedron Brook Creek. Whilst it is noted that the maximum building height for the Rural zone is 2 storeys, commensurate to the surrounding low density residential development, it is considered that the proposed building height does not result in an overbearing outcome,” the Wolter Consulting Group’s Assessment Report said. 

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77 Walkers Way DA
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

“This design ensures that the development is not overly bulky and reduces the visual appearance of the built form through a combination of high quality architectural design, substantial articulation and breaks in built form and landscaping treatments.”

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77 Walkers Way DA
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

On 26 April 2019, the Council refused the application because it was inconsistent with the Strategic Framework, conflicts with the relevant provisions of the Nundah district neighbourhood plan code, Multiple Dwelling code, Streetscape hierarchy overlay code, Flood overlay code, Biodiversity areas overlay code, and the Rural zone code.

In its Notice of Appeal dated 24 May 2019, DFC (PROJECT MANAGEMENT) PTY LTD said that Council’s decision to refuse the development application is “erroneous, unreasonable and unlawful… .” 

On the matter of bulk and scale, the Appellant said that “the bulk, scale, form and intensity of the proposed development has been designed to integrate with the existing and intended neighbourhood structure for the area.”

The Appellant also stated that“…the proposed development is designed to safely and effectively mitigate the flood hazard in a defined flood event and that no unacceptable risks to person or property will arise.”

Residents and supporters have until 11 August to sign the ePetition, which has so far gathered 117 signatures.