Officers attend IWAA Iftar Dinner

On Friday May 17, officers from the QPS, including Assistant Commissioner Sharon Cowden, attended the Islamic Women’s Association of Australia (IWAA) to share Iftar dinner.
Iftar is the meal eaten by Muslims after sunset during Ramadan.
The night was MC’ed by Dr Nora Amnaht, who is the IWAA National Manager of the Settlement Engagement & Transition Support (SETS) program which provides support to migrants who have been living in Australia  for more than 6 months.
The night included storytelling from Muslim women from Afghanistan, Egypt, Bosnia, Sudan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Eastern China, and Somalia.
So many different countries and cultures that share the same faith, and the holy month of Ramadan in so many different ways.
It was a night of bright colours, loud music, chanting, delicious food and most importantly, a breaking down of barriers, and developing trust between the QPS and this broad multicultural group of our community.
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