Pedestrian campaign chalks up the safety message

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey joined Acting Superintendent Ivan Sikorsky, Road Policing Command and RACQ Head of Technical and Safety Policy Steve Spalding to launch the ‘Be aware – Cross with care’ pedestrian campaign today.
The initiative is designed to remind pedestrians to be vigilant when crossing the road. Pedestrians in Brisbane’s CBD will be reminded to cross the street with care, with life-saving safety reminders chalked onto footpaths at several city crossing locations.
Mr Bailey said people crossing the street mid-block or metres away from traffic lights was only part of the problem.
“While it is legal to cross the street more than 20 metres from the closest crossing, people should look at their surroundings before stepping out onto the road at any time,” Mr Bailey said.
“The safest place to cross the road is at traffic lights, and sometimes this means walking a few extra metres and waiting patiently. Being alert in

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