Pedestrian safety for Queensland Road Safety Week

Pedestrians share the road with vehicles, but have no protection in an impact.
In 2017, 35 pedestrians died and 357 were hurt or seriously injured in crashes on Queensland roads.
Pedestrian safety is a shared responsibility for all road users.
Pedestrians should stop, look and listen before crossing the road.
Be aware of your surroundings and avoid distractions like headphones and mobile phones.
Use designated crossings wherever possible, as this is where drivers and riders are expecting you to cross.
Be aware and cross with care.
Vehicles must be prepared to give way to pedestrians and be aware of crossings, refuges and traffic signals where pedestrians may cross.
Travel at a speed that allows you to stop safely at these when needed.
Reduce your speed at night around entertainment venues where people gather.
Observe school zone speed restrictions and travel carefully in other areas with children, such as around playgrounds.
By changing behaviours and increasing awareness, we can make Queensland roads

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