On Friday, September 6, the North Brisbane Cross Cultural Liaison Unit took part in the Indigenous Careers and Educational Pathways Expo at Zillmere PCYC.
This year’s expo was the second one held, after a successful inaugural event in 2018.
It was coordinated by the Kurbingui Youth and Family Development Group with the assistance and support from the Queensland Police Service and the Zillmere PCYC.
The aim of the Indigenous Careers and Educational Pathways Expo was to address and bridge the gaps in social and economic well being by increasing Indigenous representation in education and employment opportunities.
Senior PLO Deb De Bree with community elders Jan Orchard and Chick Fisher
The targeted demographic were apprenticeship aged students and the wider Indigenous community who are seeking employment and career opportunities.
To begin the day, Uncle Alex Davidson gave a moving Acknowledgement of Country where he gave recognition to the local title holders and Elders of the community, as