Police cook cupcakes for caring cause

Once again Stafford Police officers and staff members will don their aprons and bake to help fight animal cruelty for RSPCA Cupcake Day 2018.
This year, Stafford Police are preparing for our biggest community cupcake stall ever.
Local businesses and groups will be combining their baking efforts to make sure there are enough cupcakes and ‘pup-cakes’ (dog-safe treats suitable for our furry friends) to last the day, ensuring as many donations as possible are collected for the RSPCA.
This is the fifth year that Stafford Police Station has run an event to help raise funds for RSPCA Cupcake Day.
All the money raised will go directly towards helping abandoned, neglected and surrendered animals around the country that end up with the RSPCA looking for love, safe shelter and a helping hand.
The Stafford Police Station community cupcake stall will be open:
Where: Out the front of the foyer at Stafford Police Station, 88 Webster Road, Stafford
When: 7am-4pm, Thursday,

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