Police hit the road for high-vis Easter safety blitz

Police will be out in force right across Queensland’s expansive road network today as part of a high-visibility safety blitz ahead of Easter.
Road Policing Command Assistant Commissioner Mike Keating said today’s high-visibility operation was designed to send a strong message to road users.
“The Thursday before Easter – particularly the afternoon – is one of the busiest periods on our roads,” Assistant Commissioner Keating said.
“It’s a time when people spend many hours behind the wheel to get to their holiday destination – so with more people on the roads, travelling longer distances, unfortunately the risk of a serious crashes increases.
“That’s why we will be staging officers from the Road Policing Command in high-risk areas across the state – including major highways.
“Our officers will out there actively enforcing the speed limit, conducting breath tests and checking licences.
“Anyone travelling on the state’s highways today can expect to see police. We know from our

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