Police join new campaign to curb Ice

Police joined Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to launch a new campaign as part of an Ice Strategy in Queensland. There are two targets of the campaign: cutting supply and treating those who need help.
The Premier said police efforts will be matched with a new Ice Help campaign to treat those addicted to the drug.
“We often hear of people being lost to Ice, that there is no remedy or return from this drug,” the Premier said.
“We want all Queenslanders to know it is possible to recover and lead a productive life.”
The campaign features six former addicts and their families who tell their stories not just of how they fell into the grip of the drug but how they got out if it. A helpline 1800 177 833 and new 24/7 Ice Help website give more support.
Police Minister Mark Ryan said specialist police are already hitting drug labs and dealer networks.
“The drug and

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