Police on hand to keep kids safe at the Ekka

Free identification wristbands that help reunite lost children with their parents are once again available at the Ekka, Police Minister Mark Ryan announced yesterday.
The wristbands which help to reunite lost children with their parents contributed to returning almost 100 children at the 2018 event.
https://d2haxmvzil2swt.cloudfront.net/uploads/2019/08/08/85736_Ekka_Social_V2.mp4 Download Video
Officers are expecting many visitors to the Ekka Police Station this year after distributing approximately 15,000 wristbands throughout last year’s Ekka.
The wristbands have a space for parents and carers to write their contact details on them prior to securing the band to the wearer’s wrist.
Officers will be handing out the wristbands everyday of the show
In addition to obtaining a wristband on the day, police encourage parents to seriously discuss being safe at the show with their children.
Inspector Garry Watts of the Fortitude Valley Patrol Group suggested keeping records of what your child is wearing amongst his safety tips.
“If you’re able to take a photograph of

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