Police urge residents to secure their cars and yards

Police from the Gateway Patrol Group are reminding residents to secure their cars and yards as thieves have targeted a number of cars and entered a number of yards in the Brisbane North, most recently in the suburbs of Gordon Park and Everton Park.
To determine how secure your home is, think like a burglar and consider the following:

From the outside of your home, consider how difficult it would be to break in;
Are your gates secured to prevent access by intruders?
Are there any tools lying around your yard that could assist in prying open a window – are there any ladders laying beside the shed or are trees and shrubs concealing windows providing cover for a burglar while they break in?;
Do not leave keys hanging visibly on key hooks and store your keys out of sight and in a safe place;
Ensure all doors and windows are locked prior to leaving your

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