Police use new anti-gang laws for first time to shut down Rebels OMCG club house

First use of new anti-gang powers
For the first time, police have used tough new anti-gang powers to take action against the Rebels Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG) in Brisbane.
Police Minister Mark Ryan said it was the first time police had invoked new powers under laws passed by the Palaszczuk Government last year to target organised crime gangs operating in Queensland.
“Officers from Taskforce Maxima established Operation Quebec Nebulous to investigate intelligence that the Brisbane Rebels OMCG chapter was operating a club house in a shed at a location that was supposed to have been an industrial premises used for car repairs,” Minister Ryan said.
“Last night they were able to establish that the premises was indeed operating as a club house thanks to new search powers granted to police by the Palaszczuk Government.
“New powers to issue public safety orders were also used by officers for the first time. Each of the nine patched

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