Powerful #QRSW20 message delivered to local schools

As part of our Queensland Road Safety Week response, officers from North Brisbane Crime Prevention Unit attended a local high school on Wednesday, August 26, to take part in a RACQ docudrama program.
The docudrama was a two-and-a-half hour senior school road safety education program that was offered free of charge to Year 11 and 12 students in Queensland secondary schools.
RACQ docudrama
With the recent tragic road fatalities involving young people, this program was a timely reminder for students to be aware of their responsibilities when driving.
The docudrama is engaging, interactive and empowers students to make better and informed choices as a driver and passenger.
This presentation takes a community approach to road safety issues involving emergency service workers and other local professionals to help demonstrate a powerful ‘mock crash’ scenario.
Students then explore and are equipped with real world strategies for combating the Fatal Five – drink/drug driving, seat belt use, fatigue, speeding

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