Prepare for a safe schoolies with Police, Brisbane North

Do you have a student who is looking to attend Schoolies in 2018 or 2019?
If so, police from North Brisbane Crime Prevention Unit, invite you to come along to a free parents and students seminar aimed at helping your school leavers experience a safe Schoolies.
This event is a great opportunity to learn personal safety tips which will no doubt spark interesting conversations between parents and students. Guest speakers will also be on hand to provide a wide variety of information and answer any questions you might have.
When: 7pm Wednesday, October 17
Where: Sky Lounge Kedron Wavell RSL, Hamilton Rd Chermside.
This event is free and light refreshments will be provided.
Due to limited spots and catering, bookings are essential.
To book or for further information please call the North Brisbane District Crime Prevention Unit on 07 3364 3313 or email
Schoolies parents evening at Kedron Wavell RSL – 2017

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