Public Safety Response Team officer makes welcome return to duty

At 12.30am on Monday, September 3 last year, Public Safety Response Team officer Senior Constable Aaron Izzard was struck by a stolen vehicle at Chermside in which he was carried a significant distance before falling heavily onto the road, sustaining serious life-threatening injuries as a result of the incident.
Over three months Aaron spent 10 days in an induced coma in the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital Intensive Care Unit, and in a head trauma unit and rehabilitation.
He has faced many challenges adjusting to life and continues with his recovery to this day.
Aaron has recently returned to duty albeit in a reduced capacity at the Public Safety Response Team, however he has a long hard road of rehabilitation in front of him.
“I couldn’t be more humbled by the support received by those in the job,” Senior Constable Izzard said.
“The cards and visits certainly assisted and gave me energy to keep fighting.

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