Put road safety first with North Brisbane Police

Queensland Road Safety Week (QRSW) is a joint initiative of the Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Queensland Police Service.
Now in its fifth year, the North Brisbane crime prevention office is embracing the opportunity to spread the word that road safety is everyone’s business and that everyone should put road safety first.
Join us at one of our events this week to discuss road safety strategies and ask any questions:

Wednesday August 28, from 7am-11am, a joint display focusing on heavy vehicle operations at Shell Service Station at Nundah.
Thursday August 29, from 9am to 9pm at Westfield Chermisde. We will have a  police vehicle and motorcycle on display, so please drop in to see us there.
Friday August 30, from 10am-12pm at the Taigum Shopping Centre.

We look forward to engaging with as many members of the community that we can, and are positive that we can all make a difference to

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