Officers from Gateway Crime Prevention Unit, and Police Liaison Officers (PLOs) Moria and Aman, joined in with the Jabiru ‘Pop Up and Play Bus’ end of term event at Zillmere State School last week.
This is a once a term event where Jabiru host an afternoon of fun activities and delicious healthy snacks for the kids, whilst the parents and caregivers are given an hour break at the end of school to enjoy each others company, and a cup of tea/coffee whilst the kids are entertained.
It’s a fantastic opportunity for QPS to engage with our multicultural communities in the Zillmere area, and have positive interactions with school children in a fun and relaxed environment.
Some officers chose to be energetic and join in with handball, whilst others preferred the quite sitting down and colouring in whilst having a chat to the kids.
We look forward to continuing our involvement and connection with Zillmere