Queensland Road Safety Week launched for 2018

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey, along with Minister for Police and Minister for Corrective Services, the Honourable Mark Ryan and Commissioner Ian Stewart, have issued an urgent plea to Queensland motorists in the lead up to this year’s Queensland Road Safety Week.
Queensland Road Safety Week is a joint initiative of the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Queensland Police Service working in collaboration with RACQ and CARRS-Q.
The road toll as of 8am this morning was 14 more than this time last year, with 166 lives lost so far.
Mr Bailey urged motorists to consider the risks of unsafe driving every time they got behind the wheel.
“We are preparing for our fourth annual Queensland Road Safety Week next week, but driving safely is a year-round responsibility for all motorists,” Mr Bailey said.
“Last year, distraction, drink driving and riding, fatigue, speeding and not wearing a seatbelt were a factor in 56%

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