Racing to break the cycle of domestic violence

On Sunday, November 18, QPS and Lifecycle Cycling Club Nundah would like to invite the community to their annual ‘Racing to break the cycle of domestic violence’ event.
Statistics clearly show that 1 in 6 Australian women has experienced physical or sexual violence by current or former partner.
White Ribbon Day is the world’s largest male-led movement to end men’s violence against women.
It is an annual campaign that recognises the positive role that men play in preventing violence against women.
It fosters and encourages male leadership in the prevention of violence against women, based on the understanding that most men are not violent and that men are better positioned to influence positive behaviour in their peers.
The ride sign-on will be open from 6.30am at Queens Gardens, City for a 7am start.
With QPS escort the cyclists will ride 15km to the Nundah Criterium Track, Albert Bishop Park, Nundah.
Last year over 150 riders attended the

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